Thursday, October 7, 2010

random thoughts

- I am super duper excited about going out of town this weekend. at first, I was a little bummed, because I'll be riding solo and it's a 6 hour drive (Sean has a Ravens game and therefore cannot join me)... but now I'm actually kind of happy to have all that alone time. it's been a very long time since I've gone on a road trip by myself, and I enjoy the time I have in the car to just think and sing at the top of my lungs. 

- I also really can't wait to spend time with my cousin and her family. the whole point of going up there is to help out making apple butter, but I'm just using it as an excuse to see one of my favorite people. we've already decided that if the whole apple butter thing is lame, we're going to skip out on it. :)

- you have to go check out Kaley's new blog style! her friend and fellow blogger, Jess, designed it for her! how awesome and gracious is that? if someone wants to redesign The Bear Naked Truth, feel free to let a sister know! haha! 

- I just discovered and I am having a blast playing around with different words and layouts. I might use this on the blog somehow. basically, you type in a bunch of words, and the program rearranges them for you - you can change your font and your color scheme and how you want the words arranged. the more times you put the same word in, the bigger it is. 

- work has been a huge pain in the ass today. two of my coworkers are both out sick, and therefore, a lot of the work has been placed on my plate today, despite the amount of work I already had planned for today. the other estimator is out sick, and unfortunately, she left a project for me to revise and send over... but the problem is that we do things differently and it's hard to understand where she got some items and how she came up with some figures. ugh. I hate doing other peoples' work. 

- I went to my spin class last night for the first time in two weeks and it felt GREAT to get back in there! they've increased the time of the class by 15 minutes (making it a 45 minute class), but the last 15 minutes is all core work. since I already worked out with my trainer, and did PLENTY of ab work, I left the class after the spin portion was over. 

my workout with my trainer was awesome last night as well... I was complaining and whining about every single exercise, which means it's working. even though I've been working out for three months, I've only lost 8lbs total. I'm okay with that though, because I feel great and I can tell I'm really toning up in some areas.

- my baby fever is getting worse by the minute. it doesn't help that fall is here and babies have the CUTEST clothes in the fall - little knit hats, leg warmers, and boots. oh my! 

- I was really honored to be mentioned on Becca's blog the other day. as a celebration of her 200th blog post, as well as having 100 followers, she posted a bunch of blogs that she loved, and mine was included! how sweet of her to do something different to honor her followers. 

Happy almost Friday! 
don't forget, I'll be out of town all weekend (including tomorrow), so I probably won't get the chance to post anything. even though I'm itching to finish up the 30 Day Challenge, it'll have to wait until next week! :)

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