Friday, September 17, 2010

fill in the blank Friday!

I decided to partake in another series called Fill in the Blank Fridays... hosted by the ever so lovely Lauren at the little things we do. basically, you take her fill in the blank starter sentences (which usually have a theme) and do just that... fill in the blank! so if you'd like to join in, head over there and link up! 

1.   When I get a day to myself I like to...  relax! maybe cuddle with the kitties and curl up with a good book. oh, and of course, catch up on all my DVR'd shows.

2.  High school was....  awesome. I was really involved with my class and put together lots of fundraisers and helped out with pep rally and parades. I was pretty much friends with everyone, so it was great!

3.  A little dream I have is... get my sleeve finished by the end of the year. 

4.  A big dream I have is  to build my dream house and live happily ever after with my husband, kitties, and future rugrats.

5.  If I could drive any car my pick would be     a Land Rover. I don't even care which model. they're just hot. 

6.  A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was  my wedding day. my hair and makeup were absolutely perfect, and I just felt STUNNING.

7.  Tomorrow I will....  be busy, busy, busy! getting pedis and lunch with Kaley @ a tale of three poags, and then going to a wedding! 
Happy Friday! 

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