Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pacquiao - Margarito Press Conference

Pacquiao Press Conf.
From Youtube User: angelotan911
Date: 31 August 2010

Manny Pacquiao Arrives In Los Angeles

Manny Pacquiao Arrives In Los Angeles
From Youtube User: ESNEWS
Date: 30 August 2010

Day 02/30

Day 02/30 - your favorite movie

sadly, this prompt falls into the same category as the first, which means I have a few favorites. I can't wait to get to the nitty gritty stuff on the 30 Day Challenge, where I can expand more on my explanations, and not just name something. 

for sake of not making this post just a list of movies, I'm going to name a movie that has ALWAYS been one of my favorites, and for good reason. 

Seven, which was released back in 1995 (I cannot believe it's been that long!), is the story of a serial killer (Kevin Spacey) who offs his victims according to a deadly sin that they commit. Detectives Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Mills (Brad Pitt) are assigned to the case, and try to track the killer down before he gets the chance to kill another person, all while being taunted by the psychopath himself.

I guess I should say it's really the story of the detectives that makes the movie intriguing. Brad Pitt plays Detective Mills, who is just beginning his career in law enforcement, while Morgan Freeman, as Detective Somerset, is only days away from retirement. the way they handle the case together, given their different backgrounds and levels of experience, makes for great character interaction.
I've mentioned before that I have a strange affection for all things gory and demented, and this movie is no different. the way Kevin Spacey kills his victims in the movie is absolutely pure torture, but I can't get enough of it. 

the plot is amazing, and unfortunately, the detectives find themselves wrapped up in "John Doe's" game. Spacey is portrayed as a true sociopath, and he justifies his murders with the explanation of society's ignorance and his great responsibility to rid the world of these sinners.

if you haven't seen this movie yet, I am commanding you to watch it. right now. go! but, if you don't like blood and gore and horrific torture methods, it might be best if you just read the synopsis, found here.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 01/30

Day 01/30 - your favorite song

I'm going to have to pick my most recent favorite song, because I honestly don't have a favorite song EVER. I enjoy so many different types of music and have loved so many songs that I can't possibly pick one all time favorite. but I'm absolutely thrilled to share my most recent favorite... I've been wanting to blog about it anyway, so now's the perfect time!

If I Die Young- The Band Perry
[read the lyrics here]

this song is so, so, so beautiful. it's a morbid concept to sing about, I suppose, but the lyrics are beautiful and the harmony and tone of Kimberly Perry's voice is just perfect. the band actually consists of three Perry siblings (Kimberly, Reid, and Neil), and together, they each bring something different to the band that just WORKS.

 [image courtesy of The Band Perry website]

I can't explain how this song makes me feel. it just makes me feel... content. like it's perfectly okay to speak about death and how you'd want to go out when it's your time to go. now, I don't believe in higher spirits or religion or God... given that fact, you'd think it would be difficult for me to relate to some of the lyrics, but it's not. I can understand the want and need to become something wonderful when you die, and the longing to make an impression on the world to ensure that you're remembered.

 [image courtesy of The Band Perry website]

anyway, so that's my favorite song as of late, and I watch the video on YouTube at least three times a day, and I even walk around the house singing it. if you'd like to see the video, play the video below! enjoy!

if you'd like to see the rest of the 30 Day Challenge, click here!

Monday blues [Etsy goods]

my legs hurt. 
from the spinning class that I took on THURSDAY. 

if I thought I was really sore on Friday, I was highly mistaken. I had a little trouble getting around over the weekend, and found myself either limping, or walking like a zombie with my legs straight out. my legs are extremely stiff, and if I don't stretch them every hour or so, they tighten up and I literally cannot bend them. 

I tried a heat wrap on my knee, a hot soak in the tub, ice (well... frozen veggies), etc. nothing seems to lessen the pain at all, besides constant stretching. needless to say, I haven't been sleeping very well considering my legs stiffen in the middle of the night. 

also, it's Monday. I hate Mondays.

so to cheer up my blue mood, I went on a hunt for pretty blue things. enjoy! 
 [all images courtesy of Etsy]

Happy Monday!

emmy winners 2010

Phillies Sweep Padres, Woman Sexually Assaulted, and 2010 Emmy Winners

Phillies Pull Off Sweep of Padres

3 days after suffering a four-game sweep at the hands of the woeful Houston Astros, the Phillies bounced back with a three-game sweep out in San Diego. Cole Hamels was money Sunday - pitching 8 shut out innings. Perhaps, they just needed to get the heck out of Philly for a few days. We have seen that before with the Fightins. They go through stretches at home where they're dreadful and go onto the road and look like a polar opposite team. They continue their western road swing tomorrow against the Dodgers.

Woman Sexually Assaulted in Center City

A woman was sexually assaulted in Center City at a Septa Station. Authorities are on the hunt for a hispanic man, who is 5'7" and 140 pounds.

2010 Emmy's on Sunday Night
The Emmy's were on NBC Sunday night and Jimmy Fallon was a big hit. This will be the quickest Emmy run-down you will ever see, but here is the brief scoop on the major awards. Jane Lynch won for best supporting actress in a comedy. Michael C. Hall did not win this year for Dexter. Glee and Modern Family took the lion's share of the awards. Edie Falco won for best actress in a drama. Al Pacino won best actor for his portrayal of Dr. Jack Kevorkian in the HBO movie "You do not Know Jack." Kyra Sedgwick won best actress in a drama series for The Closer.

Bryan Cranston won for best actor in a drama series for Breaking Bad. Steve Carrell did not win best actor in a comedy series; that award went to Jim Parsons for The Big Bang Theory. Modern Familly won for best comedy series beating out The Office and 30 Rock. John LIthgow won the best guest actor Emmy for his role of Arthur in Dexter, one of the most chilling characters you will ever see. Finally, Mad Men won for best drama series. Do not forget to check out Philly2Philly every week for the Mad Men recap by Brian Lynch and Diane Cooney.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Call anywhere in the US and Canada for FREE (extended through 2011)


Call anywhere in the US and Canada for FREE for at least the rest of the year. (EDIT: Great News! Google Voice FREE CALLS to US and Canada in Gmail extended up to the end of 2011.)

All you need is a Gmail email account. Install the voice and video plug-in if you haven’t already. Login to your Gmail account, look for “Call Phone” shows up in your chat list (see illustration below). Click it and the phone dialer will pop-up. Dial a US or Canada phone number and you're calling it for FREE.

Try it now and enjoy the FREE call.

I have tried it and it works great!!


the goat stop here

pray the lord
worship satan
but before....have a shot!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Who hit harder, James Toney or Randy Couture?

Sport Science - Randy Couture vs James Toney
From Youtube User: MMAconected
Date: 27 August 2010

my first spinning class (warning - lengthy post without pictures)

oh geez. I don't even know where to begin.

as you all know (or, at least those of you who have been following for a while), I've been seeing a personal trainer since June. in fact, Saturday is our two month trainiversary, haha. I can't believe it's been that long already. anyway, I LOVE it. I absolutely adore my trainer, and she's so damn encouraging, I can't ever imagine actually working out without her. I train with her twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays), but that's as far as my workouts go.

I'm really NOT into doing cardio, but I know that it's something I need to push myself to do in order to drop the weight I want to lose. I've tried walking on the treadmill, but I find that I really don't go passed my personal limits, and therefore, I'm not really burning as many calories as I need to. the same thing goes for the elliptical - I just stay at one pace, and eventually, I get bored.

luckily for me, my gym offers free classes for membership holders. I've heard from many people, including my friend Kaley, that spinning classes are AMAZING, and they really do help to shed pounds, and it makes you feel great too. and what do you know? the spin classes at my gym are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8PM. perfect! now, as excited as I was about the opportunity to get in some cardio on my non-training days, I was TERRIFIED. I haven't ridden a bike since I was a kid, and I had no idea what to expect. I'm super self conscious about working out in a gym full of people to begin with, so working out in a closed room full of people was even more nerve racking for me.

so I decided to go to my first class tonight. I made sure to get there a few minutes early so I could introduce myself to the instructor, and to let her know that it was my very first spin class EVER, and that I was a little nervous. she was wonderful - she helped me set up my bike and showed me where my handles and my seat should be so that I get the best workout. she explained to me how the class works and assured me that it was completely acceptable if I couldn't do the whole workout. she told me that it was perfectly fine if I couldn't move up my resistance or jog with the pace of the class.

as people trailed in, I introduced myself to them as well, and explained that it really wouldn't be a huge surprise if I fell off my bike and died on the floor. everyone was super nice and encouraging, and they all told me how much they LOVE spin classes and how I'll do fine.

I started out great... I was actually getting the hang of it and finding my rhythm while doing the "sit climbing" exercise. and then. she said to turn up the resistance dial and stand up. "okay, no biggie... I can do this," I thought to myself. little did I know, that we were expected to stand and "jog climb" for about the entire length of a Rhianna song. there was no way dude. I tried, I really did, but about halfway through, I had to sit down... my legs felt like they were going to give out from under me. so I sat while I biked, but I made sure to keep "climbing" and turning up the dial at the instructor's prompts.

we did the whole "sit climbing, jog climbing, go back and forth between putting all your weight on one leg and then the other" thing for a while... maybe 15 minutes? I donand then finally we were allowed to sit and turn the resistance dials 't know how long it was, but I know it was a couple songs worth. ALLLLLL the way down. immediately, I was all "thank the baby and standard size jesus," thinking in my head. I got excited way too soon. when we were done with all that BS, we had to race. I mean, really race. like pedal as fast as we possibly could until she told us to stop... which would be, again, at the end of a song. 

holy cannoli, I thought I was going to pass out. or puke. or just die. right there on my bike. in all honestly, I think I kept up the pace pretty well, and I didn't slow down when I wanted to.

the class was an hour long, and every new song provided a new exercise - between sitting, jogging, hunching over the handles, etc. I like how it switches up so you're not just doing the same thing for an hour. we had a rest period in between where we could just bike at our own pace, which was nice.

I think the hardest thing for me was that my ASS hurt so badly from those damn bicycle seats. I could barely sit because my ass/back of my vag hurt, and I couldn't stand because my legs would give out. catch 22. it was an incredibly intense class, but I'm really glad I did it, because I kinda liked it. it was REALLY tough, but I think it's something I can commit to, and that makes me happy. who woulda thought that I would find a cardio class to love? not me, that's for sure. 


it's now the next day, and I really cannot believe how sore my legs and butt are. I think it would be a good idea to invest in some spinning shorts, or at least a gel cover for the bicycle seat. I'm sure I'll get used to it as I take more classes, but I'm not sure I can do this again without some sort of ass support. my legs are really tight today, and I can't really bend my knees without feeling like my legs are going to give out, but I know it'll get better with time.

all in all, I'm really glad I decided to pick up the class. I think it'll be a great exercise for me to pick up on my non-training days and I'll most likely drop a lot a calories by doing it twice a week. there are many more classes offered at my gym that I want to try out, so I'll be sure to blog about my experiences once I take those classes. and for anyone looking to get a good cardio workout and to really push your limits, I definitely suggest trying a spinning class. I know it's not for everyone, but it can't hurt to try! okay, well maybe it can. 

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

t-t-t-tag, you're it!

obviously, I love survey questions, because I'm a vain ass bitch and I like talking about myself. but I also enjoy reading others' answers and learning more about my readers. so today, I'm thankful that Ashley @ Love, Ashley tagged me in a post! 

I'm going to answer her chosen 8 questions and then tag 8 other bloggers to answer questions that I choose. if I tag you and you don't want to do it, I totes understand. not everyone enjoys doing these things, but if I tagged you, that just means I want to know more about you. :)

PS - I'm also going to add pictures, but that's only because I'm ADD and I can't stand to just see a giant block of text. this is not a requirement. haha.

1. Who has had the biggest influence in your life? 
this question is hard, because every person I come into contact with has some sort of influence in my life. I'm going to have to go with my dad on this one though - he's taught me SO much about life and how to be a hard working, productive member of society. he was always super strict on me growing up, which I hated at the time, but truly appreciate now. and I've been in the working force since I was 14 years old because he taught me the value of a hard day's work, and that in order to get what I want, I have to attain it on my own. I will always, always be grateful for the lessons he taught me. don't get me wrong, my dad is a hardass, but he's also a big softy and has the biggest heart ever. 

2. If you could change professions, what would you change too?
no doubt about it, I'd be an interior designer. I originally went to school for interior design, but because I had bills to pay, I had to start working full time, and school was just too hard for me to juggle along with work. I've always had an eye for design, and I remember rearranging my bedroom every other month when I was a kid/teenager. I love everything about interior design, especially space planning and choosing textiles. 
3. What's your favorite scent?
Coconut Lime Verbena by Bath & Body Works in the summer, and Love Spell by Victoria's Secret in the winter. 

4. What is your biggest fear?
losing someone I love. I've already experienced death on a deeper level than most people, and it completely tore me apart for a long time. I'm a stronger person for going through it, but I wouldn't wish that kind of feeling on anyone. it is absolutely debilitating to experience that kind of heartbreak, and I hope I don't have to witness anything of that magnitude for a very, very long time.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
only in the case of babies and animals. I believe in order to truly love someone, you have to know a lot about them... their good qualities, as well as their flaws.  

6. Where's the one place in the world you'd love to go too?
just one? I'm going to cheat and say Europe. I'd love to see the countryside of Ireland, and the city lights in Paris (and eat crepes). I want to lay on the beaches of the Mediterranean and drink sangria in Spain. I'd like to shop in London and tour the Coliseum in Rome. I want to see it all, and someday, I will. 

7. How do you like your eggs?
all kinds of ways - scrambled (with or without cheese), over medium, and fried. 

8. What celebrity do people say you look like the most?
no one really. I used to get Jennifer Love Hewitt when I was skinny, but not so much anymore. oh, and someone once told me I looked like Amy Lee from Evanescence, but I definitely don't see that.  I can't really think of anyone else. 

now, for the fun part. I'm tagging:
Alee @ Love Is...
Meredith @ La Buena Vida 

and my questions:
1. have you ever seen your favorite band live, and if you have, did they live up to your expectations?
2. what is your drink of choice? 
3. what is your most cherished memory from your childhood?
4. quick! there's some kind of natural disaster and you can only grab three things from your house to save (all people and animals have escaped unharmed)... what do you pick?
5. if you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive, famous or not), who would it be?
6. who is your favorite comedian?
7. what is your favorite sport, and who is your favorite team from that sport?
8. have you ever been accused of something you didn't do?

have fun, folks! I look forward to reading your answers!

wee bit Wednesdays!

this whole "linking up to other blogs" is totally new to me, but I'm excited to start participating in Leigh Ashley's Wee Bit Wednesdays!

{one} what was your favorite birthday gift?
oh man, I don't know if I can choose. I'm going to have to go with my most recent birthday gift - tickets to see Chelsea Handler.

{two} have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting?
snipe-hunting! yes!

{three} what’s the strangest talent you have?
I can pick stuff up with my feet. it's pretty gnarly.

{four} what are your favorite kind of chips?
Crab Chips, for sure.

{five} do you know any tongue twisters?
I know plenty of them, but that doesn't mean I can complete them. 

{six} what was the last movie you saw in a theater?
oh lord have mercy. I think it was Shutter Island.

{seven} do you collect anything?
do dust bunnies count?

{eight} what is something you wish you were better at?
staying motivated. 

{nine} what’s the worst habit you have?
smoking. bleh. =/

{ten} when you wake up, what is the first thing you think?
"go to hell, alarm."

Happy Wednesday!

Bappi Lahiri

Bappi Lahiri Songs Mp3 Music Directions Bappi Lahiri Photos Videos

Bappi Lahiri is a music director in the Bollywood film industry. He pioneered the use of disco music in Indian cinema, and also song some of his own compositions.

Bappi Lahiri was born in Calcutta, West Bengal in 1952 into a family on a rich tradition in classical music. His father, Aparesh Lahiri was a famous Bengali singer and his mother, Bansari Lahiri was a musician and a singer who was well-versed in classical music and Shyama Sangeet.

He was popular in the 1980s with films like Disco Dancer, Namak Halaal and Sharaabi one of others. He's very fond of jewelry and is usually found wearing gold ornaments and black glasses with a combination of a tracksuit.

Bappi Lahiri is married and has 2 children. His wife is Chitrani, daughter Rema and son Bappa.


Missy Elliott Remembers Aaliyah, Nine Years Later

'I miss her every day,' late singer's collaborator tells MTV News.

It's been 9 years since Aaliyah Dana Haughton died in a plane crash and left an immense void in the hearts of her family, friends and fans.

The singer's star was still rising when her life was cut short. She released multiplatinum albums and had just started her film career, but there was always a sense that her journey would be a long one, destined for greatness.

Traces of her style and influence are apparent in contemporary artists, but her legacy is most evident in her collaborators, including Timbaland, Ginuwine and Missy Elliot.

Missy spoke with MTV News via e-mail and shared some of her favorite Aaliyah memories.

MTV: When you look around today at some of the current R&B stars, who do you see traces of Aaliyah's influence in?

Missy Elliott: I think it is hard for Aaliyah to be duplicated, because she had her own lane. But Ciara is an R&B singer who loves to dance, and Aaliyah was that same kinda artist. We knew when she dropped a record, we could not wait for the video. I think Aaliyah has influenced artists like a Ciara.

MTV: How do you spend a day like this, where everyone is mourning the anniversary of your friend's passing?

Elliott: I plan to spend my day the same as any other day, because there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of [Aaliyah] or watch a video or play her music. I miss her every day.

MTV: Do you know of any update on the plans for an Aaliyah movie?

Elliott: As far as a movie for Aaliyah, I have been hearing some things but do not know how true they are, and out of respect for her family, I would wait until they announce it. That way we will know it's a fact.

MTV: I'm sure you have so many memories of Aaliyah. What was it like the first time you met her?

Elliott: When me and Tim 1st went to work with her, we were so nervous. She was such a big star, and I was scared she was gonna be some diva, sipping on tea, with people fixing her hair and nails, and she would say, "What is this music you got! It's wack!" But when we walked in the studio, her smile made the whole room glow! She was like "Heyyyyy!" and gave us big hugs and made us feel like we were her cousins from down South. She was a very sweet spirit! Never seen her angry as long as I have known her, and in this business, that's unheard of!

MTV: What memory do you revisit most when you think about Aaliyah?

Elliott: we have had so many memorable times. My most memorable is when me, her and Tim wore outfits alike! It was burgundy Pony outfits to the awards. Mind you, Aaliyah was petite so her Pony outfit looked so cute on her, but I kept looking at mine during the awards whispering to her saying, "I feel like a big-ass pony for real!" And we laughed and laughed! Too many memories to state them all! If she was still with us, she would still be at the top. Because she always stayed pushing herself to be better.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

things that make me say "huh?"

why anyone would think it'd be a good idea to create a movie about killer piranhas. sure, I understand that they're kinda scary, being that they're fucking hideous and have crazy sharp teeth. but giant piranhas that pull people out of rafts and jump out of the water to attack a human? come ON. not only is it a ridiculous concept, but I'm sure the plot will be the same as most "horror" movies - a group of friends that get picked off, and some rightfully so, because of their stupid actions and inability to think like an intelligent human being. it's like the girl who wanders outside to check out a strange noise she heard through the window. that movie looks absolutely absurd, and I wouldn't waste the time OR money to watch it. ever. mark my word. 

 image via google images

PS - yes, I realize it is a re-make of the original 1978 production. that doesn't make it any better. it was stupid then, and it's stupid now. 


women who have spic and span (and wonderfully decorated) homes, who also have children. I can barely keep up with my house - the dishes, the laundry, the dusting, the decor, the sweeping... and I don't even have children. AND I don't cook. so to those women who do all the household chores, keep their homes clean, and take care of little ones - kudos to all of you! I mean honestly, when I get home from work (or the gym), I get home, maybe do a chore or two, eat dinner, watch a little TV, and go to bed. and trust me, some of those chores don't always get done. by the time I get home from working an 8-9 hour day, going to the gym, and driving home, I am EXHAUSTED. I can't even imagine how much harder it will be when we decide to procreate. 

  images via Full House - Christina has triplet boys and twin girls! amazing!


people who go to a concert and don't dance. I'm not talking about classical concerts or symphonies. I'm talking about rock and country concerts. if you enjoy the artist enough to buy tickets to see them live, why not have a good time and shake your ass? I've been to countless concerts where I end up sitting next to bumps on a log who literally just SIT THERE while the artist is jamming out! maybe it's just me, but if I hear awesome music (especially live music), I can't help but get up and dance, or at least nod my head and tap my feet. so for you party poopers - next time you go to a concert, get up and dance! not only will you have a great time, but you'll get a little workout too!

image via Kaley @ a tale of three poags - from The Offspring/311 concert. obviously dancing.


socks with sandals. this shit really bothers me. here's the thing - I HATE socks. I hate close toed shoes. I hate when my feet feel confined in any way, shape, or form. also, the whole point of wearing sandals is to have your feet exposed. and the whole concept of socks is to keep your feet warm and covered. they just contradict each other - they do NOT go together at all. if you want to cover your feet, wear sneaks. if you'd like to wear open shoes, wear sandals, while barefoot. there is absolutely no logical explanation to wearing sandals and socks together. if you want to keep your feet warm, don't bother spending money on sandals! 

image via google images

Happy Tuesday!

Bleach Episode 285

Bleach Episode 285 Is Released

It's Tues and that means one thing for manga fans. Bleach Episode 285 was released at 7am Eastern Standard Time today. The title of the newly released episode is “The Hundred-Year Grudge! Hiyori’s Revenge” or in Japanese, “Hyakunen no enkon! Hiyori no fukushÅ«”. Fans of the Bleach series seem to sit on pins and needles waiting for each newly episode to arrive.

In the episode, the Espada are now defeated. This means one thing, the real battle is now ready to get under way. The battle features Aizen, Gin, and Kaname Tosen verses the Vizards and Soul Society thirteen Captain. Who will win? I guess you just have to watch the episode to find out for sure.

For those of you who don't know, Bleach is a tale of a 15 year old young man named Kurosaki Ichigo who's the capability to view spirits as well as ghosts. Along with his power, he was able to meet up with Kuchiki Rukia additionally referred to as Shinigami.

In order to help save his loved ones as well as close friends from the soul eating shadows, Rukia gives her forces to Ichigo which in exchange switched Ichigo straight into a Shinigami.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pacquiao: "My achievements in boxing is more than that of Floyd Mayweather Jr."

Yahoo! SEA speaks to boxing champ Manny 'Pacman' Pacquiao in Singapore
From Youtube User: ciondanker
Date: 20 August 2010

Furbish Online Shop

I know it's been all over Blog Land recently, so I wanted to join in the madness and express the obscene amount of joy I have towards Furbish opening an online shop! Jamie is the brain behind Furbish, and is quite the interior genius, if you ask me, which you can see for yourself by clicking her name, which will take you to her blog.

She posts amazing decor inspiration daily, and I could spend hours combing through her archives. When I discovered her online shop today, I thought I was going to wet my pants with excitement. Take a look at some of this pure deliciousness. 

(all photos credited to Furbish Studio website)

You can obviously see how much hard work went into these pieces. They are so beautifully detailed and perfect. Now, if only I had some extra money laying around. I think it's time for one of my friends to win the lottery. They're the perfect mix between traditional, bohemian, and eclectic style, and I am now addicted.

Happy Friday!