Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Tucker Carlson says Michael Vick should've received same death sentence NFL player gave so many dogs

Tucker Carlson, the media provocateur and recovering bow-tie wearer, has launched a new controversy in this week of otherwise slow news.

He has now suggested that Michael Vick, the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback, should have been executed. Not for the awful way the guy played against Minnesota on Tuesday night, crippling his team's chances for a top playoff spot.

But for the canine homicides, maimings and tortures that Vick sanctioned, promoted and encouraged during his organized dog-fighting activities while playing for the Atlanta Falcons.

Vick spent 19 months as a member of a federal penitentiary before being picked up to try to play for the Eagles, where the ex-Virginia Tech player will be a free agent after this season.

Carlson says Vick should have received the same lethal death sentence the player gave his canine victims. Here's what Carlson had to say (view video below):

"I'm a Christian. I've made mistakes myself. I believe fervently in second chances. But Michael Vick killed dogs. And he did so in a heartless and cruel way. And I think, personally, he should've been executed for that."

---I dont know about all that as Tucker serves up the crazy but that "rape chair" that might be fun.

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