Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wedding Wednesday - V. VIIII

heeeeere we are - another edition of Wedding Wednesdays! I was really close to forgetting about posting today. wooops! if you're new around here, I'll let you in on the fun - every Wednesday, I take the opportunity to be completely vain and shamelessly post fab pictures from my August wedding. every week has a theme, and I plan on keeping it going until I run out of pictures. if you'd like to see past installments of WW, click here! if not, then just go fuck yourself. (thank you Chelsea Handler, for allowing that phrase to make it into my daily phrase rotation).

we're going to have a short and sweet post today because, well, it's 4:30 here and I get off work at 5, and tonight, MandeeFoFandee has a hot sushi date with her best friend, who will probably bitch me out/make fun of me for referring to myself in the third person, because she's brutally honest like that. :)

sooooo this week, I'm going to make it simple. I'm going to post a couple of my favorite pictures from our ceremony. in case you didn't know (and why would you, unless you were actually a guest at our wedding... duh), we wrote our entire ceremony. well, that's a lie - we didn't come up with every single passage or saying or what have you. basically, our officiant (remember folks, we're atheist, so we had a non-denominational minister marry us) gave us a big ass PDF file of all the selections we could choose from (75 pages worth), and I picked out all the ones that I felt reflected our relationship the best, made some tweaks, added a hearfelt reading, and that was our ceremony. I read through every single selection to make sure I had the best fitting ones for us. it was written to represent our relationship to the fullest and I couldn't tell you how many people approached us afterward to tell us that our ceremony was so "us." it was beautiful, and it was perfect. ANYWAY, let me stop rambling and post some pretty pictures for you guys.

As always, all photos are credited to the lovely and talented Jen, from JLowe Photos. If you'd like to see more of her work, feel free to visit her blog here.

FACT: we played The Chicken Dance during our recessional. Mr. FoFandee wanted to play The Chicken Dance SO badly during the reception, and I politely voted "no way in hell" to that idea. I decided to surprise him and have our violinist play it after our first kiss as husband and wife. it was a huge hit, and he was definitely shocked! haha!

Happy Wednesday!

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