Tuesday, March 16, 2010

slacker alert!

I haven't been posting as often as I usually do - I'm so sorry! I've been really busy at work, and at home... I haven't even uploaded pictures from the Caps game that was almost two weeks ago! I may or may not be a little bitter that my man Ovi was suspended during the game for a COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED HIT.

but don't worry - Wedding Wednesday is still in the works for tomorrow (yep, I just heard your sigh of relief), and I have some pictures of an extremely cute baby to share as well.

and maybe a post on babies. just maybe. and NO, I am not knocked up - and if I were, I would be chugging a beer as I type with a cigarette in the other hand. kidding! but I have been thinking about pregnancy lately (it probably has something to do with the fact that pretty much EVERY woman I know is either pregnant, or has had a baby recently), along with the pros and cons of little humans in general. the consensus says I'm not ready and won't be for quite some time, so don't get excited just yet.

anyway, I hope everyone is having a good start to the week - the weather was beautiful here in DC today, and it's only supposed to get warmer as the week goes on! I hope it remains warm for my birthday celebration that's taking place this weekend.

oh, and my birthday is exactly one week away. I just added this glue gun to my Amazon wish list. cause I neeeeeeeedz one, and this one seems to be the Bentley of glue guns.

it has some excellent reviews, and it's made by 3M, and let's face it, they're pretty fucking reliable when it comes to adhesive projects. am I right, or am I right? anyone have any other recommendations when it comes to these multi-tasking wonders? let a bitch know!

Happy Tuesday!

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