Sunday, May 1, 2011

Five Days Notice - Out Now!

I am really happy to announce that, Five Days Notice, is out now. Below you can find an exclusive excerpt.

The global economy has collapsed and third world war has left the planet a dark and deadly place. Having a job is like winning the lottery. It is a rare and cherished thing. Society is split into two classes, the poor and the damned. Only one superstore remains in the city. The seven staff members work long hours for hardly any pay, but they are considered the lucky ones.
River is in love. He is in love with the woman of his dreams. Only she doesn’t know it. Ariel lights up his dark and lonely world. She is the reason he wakes up every single morning. Her friendship and company give meaning to his existence, but when job cuts are announced his world is turned upside down. The staff are given five days notice. By the end of the week three members of staff will be fired, but how far is River willing to go to ensure that the love of his life keeps her job?
With uncertainty and doubt fuelling the fires of fear each member of staff sets out on a dangerous path of deception. The flesh of the weak is food for the strong. It is a dog eat dog world. Friends become enemies. Lovers become deceivers. You can trust no one. You can rely on no one. You must do what needs to be done to make sure you survive. You must steal, you must betray and you must kill. Betrayal, deception and corruption have never looked so sexy.
Title: Five Days Notice
Author: Alex Sinclair
Publisher: Sinclair Books
Genre: Romance, Suspense, Sensual
Price: $2.99
River skipped down the steps towards the small red car sitting directly outside his house. He popped open the front passenger side door and climbed into the seat. Like usual Ariel had left the engine running and the heaters on. It was like stepping into paradise. Not even the interior of his home could get this warm.
‘Good morning,’ Ariel spoke in a sweet soothing tone.
‘Morning,’ River rubbed his hands together in front of one of the air vents.
‘How was he today?’ she asked.
River replied with a shrug of the shoulders.
‘He was that bad?’ she took the hand break off and pressed down on the accelerator. The car slowly pulled away from the curb and bounced down the pot hole ridden road. ‘I still don’t know why you put up with him. I never understood why your mother put up with him either.’
‘Neither do I,’ admitted River.
Since the first time getting into the car he allowed himself a brief glance at the woman in the driver’s seat. Ariel had been a long time friend of the family for as long as he could remember. She had been his mother’s best friend and his father’s worst enemy. This was because no matter how much his father broke his mother down Ariel was always there to build her back up again. And no matter how much shit his father gave Ariel she countered with twice as much hassle. When his mother had died his father’s attitude got worse. He no longer had the leash of his mother to keep him controlled. Now he just did what he wanted when he wanted. Ariel had tried to get River out of the house and away from his aggressive father long ago, but the young man simply couldn’t do that to his father. The man was a self-destructive wreck and River’s heart was too kind to leave him. In the end Ariel settled for getting River a job at the store when he turned eighteen. That was three years ago. If he didn’t have the job then god knows what he might be doing right now, but it is all thanks to this beautiful woman that he has a decent chance at life.
The problem is that in the last three years since they have been working together their relationship has blossomed into something special. They are now the very best of friends. Most people thought it was odd that a twenty-one year old man could be best friends with a woman that was thirty-eight years of age, but age didn’t even come into it. They had so much in common. They had the same interests, they found the same silly things funny, and they could talk for hours about everything and nothing. It was like they were mirror images of each other’s soul. The only problem was that River’s feelings for this older woman were slowly changing into something greater. Even now as he sat in the front seat of her car glancing out of the corner of his eye in her direction something warm started to glow within the depths of his stomach.
Ariel was stunning.

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