Thursday, April 7, 2011

American Idol, Top 9 Eliminations: Pia Toscano Gets Voted Off

The tsunami-of-enlightenment from Japan's magnitude 7.4 earthquake last night may have traveled the Pacific Ocean to wash out America's perception and finally made the nation see reality to ditch Pia Toscano.
Pia Toscano, Photo: FOX
The judges were shocked, but i ain't. (who the f*ck am i?)

The diva, JLo was even angered by the result, but of course the blame should be drilled in their (judges') arse-s, because they were all saying "Hallelujiah" to Pia Toscano's dull performance yesterday.
(This is the part where i miss Simon Cowell's bullying remarks)
Comments After The Jump

The last thing that you don't want to get bored are the American teenagers who idolize cute guy contestants.
There's this inconvenient trend that's been goin' on - girls being eliminated early than their male counterparts - maybe Pia has gotten short of  fans to put her through the next round.
One more thing, the 23-year-old singer is from New York. I don't have the statistics to back my claim but i feel that majority of New Yorkers don't watch AI. They're too busy fornicating with one another - just joking.

American Idol, Top 9 Performances:

Look at Jacob Lusk, he's in the bottom three with Pia this week, now that is what i am sayin' about doing the same stuff over and over again.

Lesson learned? being able to belt out high notes is no guarantee that you'll win. You gotta have the "entertainment value" that can rock the house and have lasting aftershocks.

What can you say about Pia's elimination?

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