Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This week, 5,000 blackbirds fell from the skies over Arkansas, followed by 500 more in Louisiana. And now it's happening in Sweden too. You've got to wonder what the hell is going on. The people in these towns say "Were Fucked"

Let's quickly review the facts. Just before midnight on New Year's Eve, anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 red-winged blackbirds and starlings fell from the sky within a one-mile area over the town of Beebe, Arkansas. The last few days have also seen a mass fish kill, in which an estimated 100,000 drum fish washed up on a twenty-mile stretch near the town of Ozark, Arkansas, which is about 125 miles away from Beebe.

And then, around 500 red-winged blackbirds, starlings, and grackles fell to their deaths over a quarter-mile stretch of highway near Labarre, Louisiana, which is 360 miles from Beebe and 450 from Ozark. And then last night, hundreds of what were most likely jackdaws fell to the ground all over Falköping, Sweden.

So, now that we've got all the facts, what on earth is causing all these animals to die?

Some of the more fanciful interpretation have put these forward as signs of the Apocalypse, undoubtedly as the first act of some macabre play of bizarre death and destruction that will end in December 2012. But there are perfectly rational explanations for all of this. But I'll warn you now - the explanations might be scientific, but they're not exactly likely, and they sure as hell aren't elegant or logically pleasing.

Since the science people are dismissing most of these events (weather, fireworks, climate) I am just excited to see what is next bring on 2012

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