Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wedding Wednesday - V. X

I hope I'm getting these roman numerals right, or I'm just going to look like a giant douchebag... nothing new there! anywhozits, welcome back to Wedding Wednesday, folks, where I shamelessly post some fab pictures from my wedding and you get to tell me how pretty I am. don't you love how it works out that way? if you'd like to be nosy and see past installments of WW, feel free to click right on over here.

as of today, we are one month and one day away from our 2 year "engage-iversary"... otherwise known as the day we got engaged. I know, I know, that was hard to figure out. soooo, in celebration of having this gorgeous rock on my finger for almost 2 years, I'm going to post pictures of it... professional pictures that is... and I may or may not just break the rules and post some pictures of our rings on the beaches of Hawaii from our honeymoon. maybe.

first, I should probably explain the rings. when Mr. FoFandee proposed to me (over Five Guys Burgers & Fries and the TV in the background... he's such a romantic), he gave me a princess cut solitaire ring. I loved it. love, love, LOVED it. and then somewhere along the wedding planning process, I decided that I wanted a solitaire enhancer as my wedding band... so I got it.

and THEN, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the enhancer just made it look like I had a gigantic engagement ring. I told the Mister I'd like to get a new band, and I'd return the original enhancer... I just didn't want it to look like I was only engaged... I wanted my jewelry to show that I was married... get what I'm sayin? so in the end, he told me to keep the enhancer and get the other wedding band as well... which is exactly what I did. for reference, here's a picture of my original engagement ring (from our engagement session, also taken by the lovely Jen Lowe.

As always, all photos are credited to the lovely and talented Jen, from JLowe Photos. If you'd like to see more of her work, feel free to visit her blog here.

and here are the ones I took on our honeymoon:

yep, that's it. I think that's all the pictures I got of our rings. somehow I thought there were more. oh well.

I'm hoping to have some time at work today to update you guys on our kitchen! we finally had our contractor come out and quote us for removing, leveling, and replacing the floors, and they showed up yesterday morning to start working! right now my kitchen is a big gaping hole, but I can't wait to see when it's done!

OH, and since the Caps decided to take it all the way to game 7, we bought tickets to wish them a little luck. so tonight, I'll be rockin' the red and cheerin' on my boys to take the first round!

Happy Wednesday!

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