Tuesday, March 30, 2010

riddle me this

I have an irrational fear of being hit by flying objects... more specifically, baseballs and hockey pucks at sporting events. I'm also one of those idiots who, when seeing a flying object coming towards my windshield, I duck. inside my car. where the flying item cannot touch me.

I'm pretty sure that I'm -----><----- this close to having a heart attack every time the Caps play. including right now.

I have a pimple popping addiction. it's gross, I know, but I can't help it. sometimes I rub Mr. MandeeFoFandee's back just to feel for bigguns that I can squeeze. it also helps that he squirms like a little girl every time I get a good one.

when people talk to me about their kids, I automatically think of a similar story I could tell involving my cats. I always compare their kids' actions to something my cat(s) did at one point in time. I'm always telling people about stupid shit my cats do, and how hilarious it was. I don't think anyone really gets it but me, haha.

I am completely and utterly freakedthefuckout by fruit flies.

alright, that's all I got right now. the Caps game is gettin' serious and I need to pay attention. night, bitches!

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