Tuesday, March 30, 2010

kitchen inspiration

well, we've decided to take the plunge and begin our kitchen transformation. I've talked about it here and here before. you can see the list of things we're going to attempt to accomplish in my spring cleaning post.

we're making a trip out to our semi-local (meaning it's still 1+ hour away) Ikea this weekend to scope out some kitchen needs - counter tops, knobs and handles, and lighting. we're going to paint the cabinets white, so I decided to look for some inspiration for our freaking huge little renovation/revamp project. I want our kitchen to be crisp, bright, and modern. I want clean lines and funky green accents. I want it all, and I want it now! (Veruca Salt anyone?)

oh, and let me also let you in on a little secret - my kitchen is probably 1/3 of the size of these kitchens pictured below. the entire space itself is pretty sizable, but the kitchen is small and the room is oblong. FML, right? not so much. I'm gunna make this shit work. here's my sad attempt very professional drawing of our kitchen. pretty!

I tried to find all the sources for these pictures, but we all know that doesn't always work out. If you know where any of these unclaimed pictures belong, please share... so I don't feel like an asshole!

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GAH, I love looking at kitchens, don't you? I'm really excited to start this process, but also terrified that we'll slip out of our budget. I'm going to be contacting a few contractors this week to give us a price on removing the current floors, leveling the subfloor, and installing the same hardwood we have throughout the house. once the floor is done, it's all FoFandee action from there!

READER question: if you could change one thing about your kitchen, what would it be?

Happy Tuesday, fuckheads!

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