Monday, November 22, 2010

giving thanks | day eighteen

today, I'm thankful for all the boys in my life, specifically my four brothers. I've never been much of a girly girl, and that's because I grew up with ALL boys - I have 18 first cousins between my mom & dad's sides and only 5 of them are girls. needless to say, I grew up wrestling in the dirt and playing cops & robbers. we'd hike through the woods and try to catch frogs in the creek. it was always me and the boys growing up, and although I was the only girl, I felt right at home with them. you couldn't tell me that I wasn't a part of the boy's club, because I fit right in with my messy hair and raggedy clothes.

I absolutely love having brothers. they mean the world to me, and I don't know what I'd do without them. they're rough and tough for the most part, but they have the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever met. they'd do anything for family, especially their big sister. we fought a TON while we were growing up, but we get along great now that we're adults. after we grew up a bit, we gained two more siblings - Tommy (who is almost 11 now) and Wyatt (who is two and a half) - two more boys to have fun with!

the bond I have with my brothers is like none other. nothing can compare to the way we communicate with each other. there are things that no one understands but us, and we are fortunate enough to share memories that no one else will ever experience.  we have a shared sense of humor and sometimes we are the only ones to laugh at each others' jokes. we've seen each other at our best and our worst, and we'll ALWAYS have a special relationship.

I'm so thankful to be part of such a large family, and I hope to have a houseful of boys of my own one day.

I'm more of a tomboy than a princess, 
and for that, I'm thankful.

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