Friday, October 22, 2010

Zoo Walk!

you've heard me talk about her before. 
her name is Kaycie, and she's one of my very best friends. we've been friends since we were 12 years old - that means that we've been friends for HALF of our lives. crazy, right? she's one of only a handful of people I still keep in touch with from middle/high school, and I'm so very lucky to have her as a close friend. 
she's intelligent, has a great sense of humor, is super caring, and we're practically the same person inside. 

except there's one very big difference between us. Kaycie was recently diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Hypermobility in all of her joints. she is almost constantly in pain from the symptoms of all these ailments, and she has spent countless hours at doctors offices trying to find the right medications to ease her pain. 

I honestly don't know what I'd do if I were in screaming pain 24/7, and if I couldn't walk without having my hips hurt, and if I couldn't dance without my knees aching. Kaycie is amazing person, and she's fighting through this as best as she can. 

to offer my support to her, I've decided to sign up for the 2010 Arthritis Walk at the Baltimore Zoo, which takes place on November 7th. Kaycie and her friend have put together a team to take on the mile long walk at the zoo, and I want to be there for her to support her! I've put together a donation page to send to my family and friends in hopes that they would want to contribute to such a great cause. I already donated $100 towards the event, and set my goal for $300. 

if you'd like to donate (which would be SO greatly appreciated), you can do so here at my page. even just $10 makes a huge difference, as all proceeds go to The Arthritis Foundation, to work towards prevention, treatment, and the cure of the disease. 

if you're not in a position to donate at this time, that's okay too! I just wanted to spread the love and reach out to as many people as I can, and I know the blog world is famous for rallying together during hard times. 

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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