Monday, June 21, 2010

Bear the Distractor & some retro swim gear

I do all the estimating and bidding on projects for my dad's concrete construction business, meaning that I calculate all the concrete needed to complete a commercial job, along with any other materials and labor that are needed. that's my job, that's what I get paid to do. I don't think I've ever mentioned that on here. hmm. weird. 

anyvag, that's how I spend my 40 hour weeks, and occasionally, I have to bring work home with me if I have a tight deadline to work with. my profession often includes set of drawings, or blueprints, or whatever you want to call them. actually, now that I think about it, it ALWAYS does. see, we're old fashioned here at this business, and we don't learn us no fancy computer programs and stuff.

like I was saying, sometimes I have to bring home drawings to work from, and it's not always the easiest task given that I do not have a plan table at home to house the gigantic pieces of paper while I estimate. 

so this is what happens when I try to work from my coffee table. 

I get a frantically excited Bear cub ready to tear up my plans and eat the corners. or just lay there and be annoying and attack my hand every time I try to move his little lanky ass. 

silly little Nugget.


OH! and also. I ordered myself a new bathing suit for our anniversary trip to the beach in August. we booked an oceanfront condo for the week, and while I'd rather be in Hawaii again, any beach is a good vacation in my eyes. 

given that I've gained a significant amount of weight since I last wore a bathing suit, and am entirely too lazy to get rid of it, I decided to go with a one piece retro style swimsuit. my girlfriend Charity, from the Nest, ordered the same style and had nothing but fab things to say about it. I first found the suit from Kelle Hampton's blog, and it's been on my wish list ever since.

so I took the plunge and ordered it. I'm hoping it fits well and is flattering, because it's too cute to have to return. luckily for me, the company pays for return shipping... but if I have to return it, my ass will be buying a throwaway (but possibly still cute) one at Target or Kohl's. they seem to have a good selection as well. 

I'll make sure to post a review when it arrives, since I know these retro 50's style suits are pretty popular this year... especially for us big girls! :) 

Happy Monday!

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