Is PornWikiLeaks actually a gay-hate website run by anti-semitic racist
The Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas has figured out that if they make
enough signs, websites and t-shirts with the word 'FAG' on them that people
notice. The latest venture to capitalize on the 'fag' phenomenon is the website
known as PornWikiLeaks. PWL takes the chocolate creampie cake when it comes to
the use of derogatory language referring to every actor in their 'Real Porn Star
Names' database as a 'Pornographic Whore and Hooker' by default. That's
actually really tame compared to the descriptions of the actors, especially any
guy who has done both gay and straight porn. In fact, the bigots who run the
website claim to be good samaritans who are just trying to keep the straight
porn industry 'open' and, oh yeah, keep all the cock sucking aids spreading
creampie loving 'faggots and jews' out of porn especially if they are friends
with 'dumb ni**er whores'.
It is amazing how something becomes news 'if' it is possibly connected to
homophobia, anti-semitism or racism, but when something is so blatant it
couldn't possibly be so egregious it seems reporters turn a blind eye to the
real facts and instead focus on the 'spin' like the possibility that PWL got a
list of names from AIM. However, it is also entirely possible that not one of
the main stream media reporters who covered the story bothered to actually
investigate further to see exactly what PornWikiLeaks is really all about.
Since they all seemed too busy getting their creampie scoop on we took a few
extra clicks to look inside PWL and find out what is really going on. Here are
the results that we think speak for themselves. But to be fair we'll let you
draw your own conclusion as to whether PornWikiLeaks is a legitimate website, a
gay-hate website or just another asshole simply waiting to be evacuated by a
friendly douche bag.
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