Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Britney Spears' Till The World Ends Video Premieres

Never underestimate the power of Britney Spears' dance moves, her strut routines in her 'Till The World Ends" new video have just stopped doomsday.

The four-minute, Ray Kay-directed flick features a lot of movements, a hundred horny back up dancers, and hails the pop princess as the savior queen who will save the world from the most hyped 2012 Armageddon.

It appears, TTWE's plot is a remake of  Spears' "Im a Slave For You" video back in 2001 .
The story goes like this, Britney and her friends (who happen to be good dancers?) are partying because the world will end.

The overall look and feel of TTWE video is dirty, sweaty and grimy -you can feel Ke$ha's drunken spirit within each frame.
Good thing Ray Kay's shots are perfect, he managed to make TTWE glossy and visually appealing. The saying goes, if your actors lack something, overcompensate it with stunning shots and lighting effects. Well, at least he knows how to do it, right?

As for Britney's dancing, i don't want to comment anymore. I ran out of decent words to describe how she does her thing now, just read this one. What Will Happen If The World Ends?

I don't know if there's some cult shit goin' around, but it seems Brit's dancing is a ritual performed for the purpose of saving the world. (Now, back in Britney's mind, "Top that, Gaga! Bitch")

What do you think? Did Britney nail it this time?

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