Friday, November 5, 2010

fill in the blank Friday!

this week's questions are all about HAIR! head over to Lauren's place to play along!

1.   My last haircut was  last weekend! I got bangs, yo!

2.  My most daring hair moment was  when I chopped all my hair off (think spiky in the back), and went crazy with the color. oh yeah, and then there was the mohawk. :)

3.  A hairstyle I'd never be brave enough to try is  BLONDE. I just don't have the complexion for it.

4.  I've always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head) red head, for sure. I've dyed my hair red plenty of times, but I love the look of natural red hair.

5.  My go-to hair do is  down and straight. I
try to use product to make it look wavy, but my hair is just too straight for that shit.

6.  My biggest hair disaster was    when I had it dyed by a girl in high school who was learning to be a hair dresser, and instead of blonde highlights, I got ashy grey ones. it was fugs.

7.  A hairstyle I am dying to try is   anything LONG. I've been growing my hair out forever.

8.  My best hair day was   my wedding day hair, definitely.

9.  The worst hairstyle I ever had was  my bowl cut in 4th grade, complete with feathered fluffy bangs. don't hate.

10.  My hair is  one of my favorite aspects of my appearance. 

Happy Friday, folks!

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